This list is by no means complete. Nosotros have included key materials hither which may be useful to parents, families, caregivers, kids with cancer and survivors. Some of these materials are available as a PDF and can exist downloaded, others have to be purchased or requested from the publishers/developers.

If you would like to suggest other materials, which you feel should exist included, do please ship us the link, or the title and source. Presently, we just have materials in English. If you are searching for your specific language, we propose you expect into the websites of CCI member organizations in your land (or of CCI member organizations that speak the aforementioned language).

Handbooks/Guidebooks for parents and families of children/adolescents with cancer

Children's Oncology Group Family unit Handbook

past childrens oncology grouping

The Children's Oncology Group Family Handbook 2nd Edition, provides families with reliable information about treatment, support, and follow-up intendance for children and young people with cancer. *Too available in French and Castilian.



Battles – Failures – Achievements – Love/ ADOLESCENTES Y JÓVENES CON CÁNCER: Luchas – Fracasos – Éxitos – Amor
by Rosalía Lorenzo González

It is a readable volume that goes in depth into the young people's globe to see everything that turns effectually them. Y'all will know closely this illness through well-documented texts of medical professionals and through testimonies of cancer patients, survivors, parents, siblings, friends and partners. This volume deals with topics not addressed earlier, like the ethical aspects which must be taken into account when talking to adolescents or immature people nigh their diagnosis, fertility, sexuality, etc.
Club volume
(Only in spanish)

Condolement Showtime

by Comfort First Team (Children`s Cancer
Centre at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne)

The aim of the Condolement First Plan (CFP) is to promote coping skills and skilful procedural outcomes for children and families (for example early on procedural hurting management intervention to reduce procedural pain and distress).

Download PDF

Clinical Practice Guideline for Hurting Management in Children with Cancer

past Fundación Cris Contra el Cáncer;
Colaboradora: Federación Española de padres de Niños con Cáncer, 2013

This Clinical Practice Guideline for Pain Direction in Children with Cancer aims to have up to appointment information on the result of scientific research for all those who are involved in the straight care of children with cancer (nurses, psychologists, carers, oncologists, paediatricians, etc.). The eye of attention is to alleviate pain in children with cancer. Therefore, improving the quality of life and reducing suffering, as well as lessening the anxiety of carers and families.

Castilian PDF

English PDF

Emotional Aspects of Childhood Blood Cancers – A handbook for parents

by The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (United states)

This volume is written for parents of young children and adolescents with leukemia or lymphoma who are trying to cope with a almost difficult situation. It is for parents who seek support to face and bargain with the illness.
Download PDF

Sibling Grief – Healing Subsequently the Death of a Sister or Brother

by P. Gill White

It was influenced by the personal feel of the author and is a very comprehensive handbook for grieving siblings every bit well as their caregivers with a lot of applied advice (for both the grieving sibling as well every bit their caregivers) and a long book list for further reading.

Volume written report

Picturebooks/Storybooks for younger children

The Together Stories Volume Set

Transitioning through cancer treatment phases and coming off treatment are well recognised as potentially stressful and difficult times for children and families. This series of story books has been written to assist immature children adapt to the physical and psychological changes associated with cancer handling. The books present a creative way in which parents can help their kid's adjustments and potentially notice their ain vox and stories to tell.

The ready of viii books, written past Trish Dearn, is bachelor for purchase through the Children'south Cancer Foundation'southward website


The story of the fiddling „Chemo-Casper" who helps to fight cancer originated in Denmark and fabricated its way via ICCCPO-contacts through many countries. It is meanwhile translated into more than x languages and tin be downloaded as a PDF here. If you desire to publish the brochure in your language, please contact the ICCCPO Caput part for permission and

Dutch PDF
Dutch animation
English language PDF
High german PDF
Indonesian PDF
Papiamentu PDF
Spanish PDF
Swedish PDF
Ukrainian PDF
Swahili PDF

The story of the „Radio-Robby" helps to explain what radiotherapy does. The story originated in kingdom of the netherlands and fabricated its fashion via ICCCPO-contacts into many countries. It is meanwhile translated into several languages and tin can exist downloaded equally a PDF here. If y'all want to publish the brochure in your linguistic communication, please contact the ICCCPO Head Office for permission and

Dutch PDF
German PDF
Portuguese PDF
Ukrainian PDF

La leucémie de l'entfant en mots et en images
This is a wonderful and informative booklet for children with leukaemia, which was published and presented by Prof. Fouzia Msefer Alaoui (head of the pediatric haematology/oncology unit in Rabat, Morocco). Information technology is an illustrated booklet in French and Arabic.

Download PDF

Katie`s Garden
"Katie'due south Garden" is a picture book for children with a tumor. Information technology explains children the disease and its treatment as well equally some of the procedures in colourful pictures and piece of cake to understand text. The book was produced by the Wilms@Home-group ( britain) with illustrations by Ruth Claydon and text by Talitha Claydon.
Download PDF

Dauntless Maeve
Joanne Poon (Singapore) is the mother of a child treated for Burkitt's Lymphoma. She recently published an illustrated children's book in English, Dauntless Maeve, which she  wrote to explicate to her then 3 year old daughter the journeying through cancer treatment. She would like to make this volume available to paediatric hospitals and cancer foundations around the world (free of costs). Feel free to contact Joanne Poon for a copy
or facebook bravemaevesingapore

Download PDF

Personal reports by Parents

Autum winds
edited past Ximena Garcia Blanco. Publication supported past "Fundación Nuestros Hijos" and Ruby-red Salud UC – Kinesthesia de Medicina, Santiago de Republic of chile.
Viii mothers are sharing their memories about the disease and death of their children. It is a distressing, even so very comforting book, illustrated with pictures of each family unit which guides the reader to "find support .. .and joy in the small-scale details that previously we did not run into, similar a sunbeam coming through the window, a breeze that moves the leaves of a tree or a smiling from our son or daughter." (p.9)

Download PDF

Ya Tin can't Let Cancer Ruin Your Day – The James Emails
by Syd Birrell
Four year old James is diagnosed with a neuroblastoma (phase Iv). Knowing that the chances for long time survival with this kind of disease are  very low, the family unit does whatever possible to savor life together.
Book report

Sharing Hope

In its pages, you will observe stories and photos showing what promise looks like from the many vantage points of families who have been affected by childhood cancer. The families who have contributed to this volume have chosen to include themselves to honour their children and their inspiring stories; on every page, the families included hither want to prove others that, no thing what, they are smiling, hopeful, loving, and persevering.
The book can be purchased through the OPACC website

Personal reports past Patients

by Melinda Marchiano
Melinda is just xiii years old when she is diagnosed with cancer (Hodkin'south illness). While under treatment she starts to write. This is her story of courage, promise, and grace.
Book written report

Book of hope
This booklet has been produced to celebrate the fifteen anniversary of the founding of ICCCPO in 1994 – the "Book of Hope".
The stories in this booklet are wonderful examples of backbone, faith and gratitude. They are telling us in ever so different words and means nearly the patients' experiences, the struggle to overcome their disease and principal the fourth dimension later on. These young people are grateful for being given a "second chance" and thank all those who helped them along the way: the doctors, the nurses, their families and friends. They are representing what ICCCPO is striving for.
Download PDF