
60 Seconds And Youre Hired Pdf Download




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Affiliate 1: Why 60 Seconds?

Attention Span

Are They Listening?

The Earth Is Full of Sound Bites

Your Verbal Business Menu

Chapter ii: 5 Point Agenda

The Formula: Creating Your Strategy

Three Examples


Chapter 3: 60 2nd Sell

When to Use It

Three Examples


Chapter 4: Hiring Trends

Where People Want to Work

Employers' Irresolute Needs

Need to Be the Platonic Worker Persona

Chapter 5: 60-2nd Answers to Tough, Tricky Questions

Behavioral Interviewing and Situational Questions

Answering the Questions

Firings/Layoffs/Work Gaps/Reentry

Illegal Questions

Technical Expertise and Specialty Questions

xv Questions for College Students and New Grads

Do Your Best

Affiliate half-dozen: Questions Yous Should Ask

How to Impress the Employer

Gaining Insight on Their Corporate Culture

37 Questions You Could Ask

Chapter seven: Salary Questions

Salary History

Secrets of Establishing Your Value

How to Learn What They Volition Pay

Answering the Question

Affiliate 8: Negotiating the Best Deal

Men and Women Negotiate Differently

Biggest Raises Come with a New Job

More Employers Negotiating the Whole Compensation Package

Determine the Risks

Negotiation Strategies

Hiring Chart

How It Works

Chapter 9: fourteen Types of Interviews

Screening Interview

Hiring Interview

Second Interview

Multiple Interview

Panel Interview

Group Interview

Promotion Interview

Stress Interview

Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Interview

Video or Video Conferencing Interview

Testing Interview

Fly-In/Relocation Interview

Bizarre Interview

Negotiation Interview

Affiliate 10: Pitfalls to Avoid

Being Belatedly

Inappropriate Attire

No Market Enquiry

Assume Your Resumé Volition Get Yous the Chore

Believe Best Didactics, Skills, and Experience Will Become Job

Fail to Fix

Believe the Interviewer Is an Expert

Neglect to Inspire Confidence

Neglect to Demonstrate Skills

Appear Desperate or Highly Stressed Out

Mishandle Supplemental Questions or Tests

Believe That Most Important Fourth dimension Is the Last V Minutes

Think That References Are All Created Equal

Not Being the Ideal Worker

Lying on the Resumé or Application

Appear Uninterested in the Job


Requite Lengthy Answers

Inability to Tolerate Pauses or Silence

Recollect Your Major Goal Is to Get the Job

Chapter 11: The Spotlight Is on You

Dealing with Nervousness

What to Bring

First Impressions

Nonverbal Clues

Back up Documentation

Field Knowledge

60 Second Piece of work Example

Incorporate Transferable Skills

Treatment Minor Employers


Affiliate 12: The Convincing Close

Exist Memorable—Stop with Your 60 Second Sell

Employer Rating Chart

Postinterview Assessment

Cheers Notes

How to Remain a Viable Candidate When Someone Else Gets the Chore

Chapter 13: 60 Seconds & Yous're Hired!



threescore Seconds & Y'all're Hired!


Can This Book Help Y'all Get Hired?

60 Seconds & Yous're Hired! fabricated the National Business organization Employment Weekly best-seller listing considering it was an excellent resource to help guide people through the interview and bacon negotiation procedure. I continuously received success story after success story that this book helped job hunters land slap-up jobs. Originally written in 1994, information technology independent the all-time communication possible on this process. Over the years hiring trends change, and so I felt an updated book was needed. I had conducted new research—of import changes that I've added to this book. This updated edition contains new facts, research, and client-proven strategies—thirty percent more than the original. Information technology'due south still concise, and then y'all can read it in its entirety and use it the nighttime before your interview. Everything you need to know to practice your best in your next interview is covered. I hope you find this book the all-time resource possible, because my goal is to assistance you land the job of your dreams. When y'all exercise, permit me know, and tell me what worked for you.

To your success—

Robin Ryan

To my husband, Steven—

You always used to say I was the best task getter you lot know. Your back up and encouragement accept been vital in my mission to share my information with others. May they detect a career as rewarding as mine.

And to Jack—

One of the greatest blessings God has ever given me is you, my son.

About the Book

Concise advice and easy-to-acquire techniques for mastering the ins-and-outs of interviewing for and landing the task of your dreams

Whether you lot're only starting out, moving onwards and upwardly, or re-entering the job market, sixty Seconds and You're Hired! provides the quickest road to getting the task and bacon you deserve. Filled with insider's tips from managers and homo resource personnel and real-life success stories, information technology presents cinch strategies for success in your next interview, including:

- The best response to the interviewer's questions

- How to communicate that you are the best person for the job

- What intelligent, informed questions to enquire nigh the company and position

- How to avoid common pitfalls that cause well-nigh candidates to neglect

- Negotiating the best salary and benefits package possible

Robin Ryan'due south proven and piece of cake-to-utilize techniques are certain to assistance you lot find a satisfying identify for yourself in today's ever-changing business organization earth.

"This volume is an absolute MUST if you are looking for a task"

-Today's Business Journal

Virtually the Author

I of America's foremost career authorities, Robin Ryan is the bestselling author of five books: 24 Hours to Your Next Task, Raise, or Promotion; Winning Resumés; Winning Encompass Letters; Chore Search Organizer; and 60 Seconds & You're Hired! Robin Ryan has appeared on over 500 TV and radio programs, including the NBC Nightly News and The Oprah Winfrey Show. She'south a frequent commentator on the CNBC television network and on Seattle's KIRO-TV News and KOMO Radio. A abiding contributor to U.s. national magazines and merchandise publications, she's been featured in Money, Newsweek, Fortune, Glamour, Business Week, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, Mademoiselle, Women'southward 24-hour interval, and McCall's to proper noun a few. She's appeared on the pages of nigh major U.s. newspapers, including the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, National Business organization Employment Weekly, and the Chicago Tribune. She is a career columnist for—the largest business and career Internet Spider web site for women—and also a columnist for the Seattle Times.

Robin Ryan has spent a lifetime dedicated to helping people detect rewarding jobs. A highly sought afterward speaker, she frequently talks to higher alumni groups and at clan conferences. With fifteen years of hiring responsibility, Robin likewise teaches hiring seminars to employers. Additionally, her piece of work includes assisting employers with outplacement situations.

A licensed vocational counselor for 20 years, she has an active career-counseling exercise in Seattle where she offers telephone consultations to assist clients with resumés, interviews, bacon negotiation, and other career problems. She holds a master's degree in counseling and teaching from Suffolk University and a bachelor'southward caste in folklore from Boston College, and is the former director of counseling services at the University of Washington. You may contact Robin Ryan at (001-425) 226-0414.


A big give thanks-you to every chore hunter who has worked with me or who has attended my seminars. They are why I wrote this volume, and helping them is the driving force in my life. Many thanks to all the hiring managers who willingly gave of their time and expertise to add the all-time data possible to this book. Professionally, I'k grateful to Tracy White, who started my seminar concern years ago when she showtime hired me to teach job hunting skills to CPAs; her connected back up and help have been an important contribution in my career.

Thank you to Dawnelle Thompson and Mary Lynne Finn, who wonderfully typed all my changes to this manuscript; to Cindy Hurst, Mike Hurst, Steve Ryan, Jim Mullen, and Sandy DeHan, who all willingly read this volume and offered valuable insights to meliorate information technology; and to Bob Holman, for his great project and time-management tips.

I am grateful to Pat Lowe for the wonderful care she gives my son and so I can devote some time and energy to the work I dear best. Thank you to Dr. Bob Bjurstrom, who offered incredible support and help during my illness, reinforcing the promise that I would over again bask all aspects of my wonderful work—he was right, and I will be forever grateful for his encouragement and commitment to make it and so.

My agent, Shelley Roth, is the best in that location is. I volition e'er be indebted to her for her enthusiastic back up. I am grateful to my editor, Jane von Mehren, for believing in and endorsing this book so wholeheartedly.

Above all else, my husband, Steven, has always believed in me and helps me with his great ideas—I'm then lucky to be his wife. My friends—Sarah, Cindy, Wendy, Peggy, Darlene, Martha, Ed, Azriela, and MJP—stood by me and offered "Y'all can do it" when times got tough. They are the all-time cheerleaders anyone could ask for. My baby son Jack's smile and happy nature remind me of all the wonderful possibilities in life and all the hope that lies within each and every person.

Lastly, I'm grateful to my parents for raising me to believe that with conclusion, dedication, and enthusiasm y'all can achieve any goal you can dream of.

Believing in yourself is the starting point. Effectively communicating your abilities to others is the necessity.

In the end, what does whatsoever piece of work mean to me? That I accept done my best, excelled where I could, taken risks, and made a difference past beingness here.

You lot'll never know what y'all can achieve until you try.

Simply never, always give up.

Your future is what you make information technology.

Dream BIG!

Today's preparation determines tomorrow'due south achievement.

At that place are ii things to aim at in life: beginning to go what you want and after that to enjoy it.

Simply the wisest of men accomplish both.

The difference betwixt great and boilerplate is how often y'all take risks. Calculated risks that temporarily forcefulness you to live outside your comfort zone often upshot in Large Wins.

Success can exist yours, but nix happens by itself. It will all come your way once you lot empathise that you lot take to go far come your way by your ain efforts. When opportunity knocks, be ready.

Some people may succeed because they are destined to, but most people succeed because they are determined to.

Human action every bit if it were impossible to fail and you never will.

Always do your best. Information technology is your constant attempt to be commencement-class in everything yous endeavour that will make you conquer the heights of excellence and success.

The simply people who fail are those who practise non endeavor.

All your dreams can come truthful if you take the backbone to pursue them.

The bigger you dream the more y'all volition accomplish.

Within you at this moment is the power to do things you never dreamed possible. You know what you are today but not what you may be tomorrow. Always expect at things as they can be. You can do anything yous wish to do, have anything you wish to take, be anything you wish to be. When yous do all the things you are capable of you volition literally astound yourself.

Affiliate 1

Why 60 Seconds?

" Nosotros WOULD LIKE y'all to come in for an interview." Those wonderful words are what every chore hunter wants to hear. In one case they are said, a vision of landing the task starts to grade in the task hunter's heed. When you get that call you lot hang upwardly the phone, excited and pleased that your resumé has gotten you lot this far.

On the other cease of the phone sits the employer who decided to call you in for an interview. Three thoughts are running through his listen: Can you exercise the job? Will you lot exercise the job? Will you work out in their organization so they can manage you? The employer is worried. Information technology's hard to find a person who'll be a expert fit. The workload is piling upward; the pressure level is on to make a good hiring decision. The employer hopes that you'll be "the one." He reiterates the of import job duties he needs done. He's feeling anxious, hopeful, and skeptical all at once. He'south praying that you lot have the skills to practice the work.

For the employer, hiring is a difficult task. Mistakes can be very costly. Employee turnover often costs three times the person's salary, when adding in the loss of work, expense of errors, and training a new person. The employer wants to find the right person—quickly. He looks for someone who can and will perform the job well. He looks for an answer to the trouble of whom to rent.

There are several compelling reasons why the 60 Seconds arroyo is the platonic way to become your points across and convince an employer to rent you.

Attention Span

In today's fast-paced world, we oft focus on things for less than 60 seconds. Verbose, lengthy answers, where job hunters babble on and on when answering interview questions, diameter the interviewer into not hiring them. Nervousness and no preparation often result in long, continuous, never-ending answers.

The most effective way to capture attention is to utilise your enthusiasm to respond each question succinctly in a concise, brief manner. And never utilize more than sixty seconds on any answer.

Are They Listening?

Job hunters are amazed to learn that interviewers tin can ask them an hour's worth of questions and never hear any of the answers. Why? Because they aren't listening. They are tired, distracted, and bored, and feel the candidate is the wrong choice—that he or she tin't do the task. When you get your indicate across in 60 seconds or less, you increment the odds that the person will listen. When you add together specifics of how y'all've accomplished the needed tasks before, show support materials and piece of work examples, and add together vocal multifariousness and enthusiasm to your answers, the employer starts to wake up and have notice. And when y'all put into practice 2 proven techniques you'll learn in this book—the 5 Point Agenda and the 60 2nd Sell—the whole process takes on a new shape. The employer begins to get excited that she may have found the right person for the job—You lot!

The World Is Full of Sound Bites

Television and radio have filled our world with xxx- and 60-2nd commercials—brusque, concise commercials that quickly get their points beyond. News reports utilize the same principles, limiting stories to one- to three-minute segments. Nosotros are all conditioned to these speedy communication tools. During a job interview, utilizing the right words that effectively become your bulletin across concisely will build the employer'due south confidence that you can do the job.

Your Verbal Business Card

The 60 Second Sell is your basic tool to create interest with an employer. This 60-2nd calling card volition summarize your skills, abilities, and previous experience in a well-idea-out fashion that will immediately make the employer want to listen. The 60 Second Sell is a proven shortcut to your success. Client upon customer has reported it was the all-time task-search technique they'd ever used. It'southward like shooting fish in a barrel to create and piece of cake to implement. Once you lot've learned this technique, your interviews will be greatly improved because you volition have done the nearly important matter necessary to land a job—get the employer to mind to y'all while you're telling him exactly how yous can perform his job.

Affiliate two

5 Point Agenda

THE five POINT Agenda is a method by which yous can focus your interview on your strengths as well equally break through the monotony and disinterest, and get the employer to listen. Information technology is a hiring strategy created to focus on the needs of the employer and the chore to be washed. The 5 Point Calendar is a predetermined analysis in which you lot select your v most marketable points and and repeatedly illustrate these points throughout the interview process. It is this repetition and reiteration of exactly how you'll meet her needs that allows the employer to recollect something about you. Clients accept tested this interview arroyo with the following results:

  • It made interview preparation easier.
  • They were highly rated past everyone who interviewed them.
  • The five points seemed to exist all that was remembered.
  • They credited the 5 Point Agenda and the 60 Second Sell equally beingness the 2 techniques that secured the job offer.

Chore hunters are often amazed to learn that an interviewer can ask you an unabridged hour of questions and not hear i word you've said. He may be bored, frustrated, or unimpressed with your epitome within the outset few answers. After interviewing several people, all the candidates begin to blend together. I feel this when I hire people, and endless other employers continuously confirm this fact. The 5 Point Calendar captures an employer'south interest because you are continually emphasizing exactly how you can exercise the chore right from the outset.

The Formula: Creating Your Strategy

Examine your previous experience. Write out the major responsibilities for each job you've held. Annotation any special accomplishments. Zero in on your of import work strengths—those abilities where you are most productive.

And then, bank check with your contacts and use your network to get equally much background as possible about the employer, the company, and the position'due south needs. Many times, your contacts will point out the very aspects that must make upwards your five Point Agenda. Other times, there will be piffling information bachelor and you will demand to guess based on your general cognition most doing the job.

After reviewing the employer and position needs, determine which of your abilities and which aspects of your experience will be most important to the employer. So create your 5 Point Calendar, selecting each point to build a solid moving-picture show emphasizing how you can do the chore.

Three Examples

Let'south examine three 5 Point Agendas that clients used during the interview process to land their new jobs. The jobs they applied for were chief financial officer, events planner, and engineer.

Master Financial Officeholder

This position was with a rapidly growing international company needing potent financial and operations management. Here are the points the candidate came upwardly with:

  • Point ane: Fifteen years in senior financial management, directing international business start-ups, expansions, and turnarounds.
  • Indicate two: Took start-up manufacturer from nil to $38 million in 18 months.
  • Point 3: Achieved corporate profitability goals at final five positions, and exceeded goals at four.
  • Bespeak 4: Hired more than 3,500 employees, uniting diverse workforce into cohesive productive teams.
  • Signal five: Management Information Organization expertise in hardware, software, network conversions, and transportation, accounting and distribution systems.

It'south important to note that the concluding point was merely a approximate at the visitor's perceived need. During the interview procedure, this client realized that computer systems were a crucial need for this employer and was able to offering specific examples of his experience using management information systems to positively affect the bottomline at companies he had worked for previously.

Events Planner

The clan needed a person with strong computer skills and previous event planning experience. As a new higher graduate, this candidate created her 5 Point Calendar from her internship and office-time jobs:

  • Point i: Proficient PC and Macintosh computer skills with expert Internet capabilities.
  • Point ii: Desktop publishing using Pagemaker; creating brochures, programs, invitations, flyers, printing releases, preparation materials, and website updates.
  • Point iii: Assisted with numerous special events, conferences, lunches, receptions.
  • Signal 4: Responsible for catering, food preparation, audiovisual setup, transportation, upkeep, expense reimbursements.
  • Bespeak 5: Acquired service bids from several contractors, caterers, hotels.


This major automotive manufacturer required feel in both quality balls and new product blueprint. The candidate's 5 Signal Agenda was:

  • Bespeak 1: Implemented new four-twelvemonth quality-assurance plan which received a national Quality-ane Award.
  • Signal 2: Effectively dealt with employee resistance to quality improvements.
  • Point 3: Conducted 37 supplier on-site inspections to improve the quality of parts received.
  • Bespeak 4: V years' design engineering experience.
  • Point 5: Excellent communication skills when working with both technical and nontechnical staff.


Before every job interview, you volition customize your 5 Betoken Agenda, responsibilities of the job equally well every bit the company's goals and objectives. These five points are your bones building blocks to answer the interviewer's questions. Y'all'll desire to restress each of these points whenever the opportunity presents itself. The message the employer will hear is that yous have the power to perform and practice well in the job—and it volition requite your prospective boss confidence in hiring you.

Chapter 3

60 2nd Sell

THE 60 SECOND Sell is a tool that helps you target your skills to meet the employer's needs. It allows y'all to summarize your most marketable strengths in a cursory and concise way. Successful job hunters accept plant that the sixty Second Sell is the near influential tool they used during the interview process. They praised the tool for several reasons:

  • It was effective in capturing the employer's attending.
  • Information technology provided excellent, concise answers to catchy questions.
  • It was very easy to use.
  • It was a keen way to end an interview.

The 60 Second Sell is a sixty-2d statement that you customize for each interview and that summarizes and links together your v Point Calendar. Yous will want to put each signal of your v point Agenda into an order that allows you to present them in a logical and most effective manner. When y'all link the ideas into sentences, they should be spoken in lx seconds or less. Once memorized, this statement volition be easy for you to recall and use during the interview.

When to Apply It

Most interviews are over before they e'er really get started. What should y'all do to avert this trap? Immediately capture the employer's attention and get him tuned in to you lot equally a true top-notch candidate. You need to open the interview past using your 60 Second Sell. Very typically the first question y'all are asked in an interview is Tell me about yourself. In an interview I recently conducted, I got a 20-minute answer. After the offset minute or ii, the prospect totally lost my attention. Had the person answered with a lx Second Sell, he might have started the interview past grabbing my attention and keeping it. Questions such every bit Tell me about yourself require a brief summary noting your almost marketable skills, not a life story.


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